Corporate Tithing Program

Senior Consulting, LLC is committed to Church Senior Living and Christian Senior Living. The Company is driven to give back in all of its projects.  In a recent project, Senior Consulting donated or tithed 60% or more of development fees.  In all its projects, the Company and its principal and stakeholders agree, and have adopted a corporate resolution to tithe a minimum of 30% of development fees or development profits, as follows:

  • A minimum of 10% will be donated to help seniors that cannot afford senior living in their local community, with this money donated directly in the vicinity of a project of where the project is developed by Senior Consulting and its partners.
  • 10% minimum will be tithed to different churches that are at the discretion of the Company.
  • 10% minimum may be tithed to selected churches, charities, or nonprofit organizations chosen by the Company that have worked closely with Senior Consulting.
  • 10% of net proceeds will be tithed to seniors in the communities where Senior Consulting serves as Developer or Development Partner.  With that pledge, typically to a local Office on Aging to distribute to low-income seniors that cannot afford an Assisted Living facility.

If you have any questions on our corporate tithing policy or anything else, please Contact Us.